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Read or download the Mount Sentinel Secondary School Code of Conduct


Application of Code of Conduct - Conduct Expectations 

Acceptable Behaviour 
These expectations apply to behaviour at school, during school-organized or sponsored activities, and behaviour beyond these times (including on-line behaviour that negatively impacts the safe, caring or orderly environment of the school, and/or student learning. 

Student’s will demonstrate: 

Respect - Students are expected to show respect for self, environment, and others. They are expected to act in a responsible manner and be respectful of the rights of others at school and school activities wherever held. 

Responsibility - Students are expected to gradually assume more responsibility for themselves, as individuals and members of society. They are expected to become more responsible for undertaking, organizing and completing their schoolwork and for contributing to and promoting a safe, caring, and orderly school environment.

Commitment - Students are expected to strive for personal excellence in all their school endeavors and comply with school expectations and rules for student work, attendance, behaviour, and deportment. 

Attitude - Students are expected to participate willingly and diligently in their assigned work and to undertake school activities with a spirit of cooperation and fair play. 

In addition, specifically at Mount Sentinel Secondary School: 

Respect Yourself and Others: 

• Address others politely and respectfully 
• Treat one another with kindness and respect 
• Keep your hands to yourself 
• Assume positive intent in others 
• Use the school washrooms as they are intended; use common areas to socialize or to have a quiet space 
• Keep physical displays of affection appropriate for a school setting 
• Dress appropriately according to the School Dress Protocol 

Respect Learning and Teaching: 

• Act in ways that allow for a productive class environment for yourself and others
• Only leave a classroom with teacher permission, one student at a time 
• Take direction from teachers and other staff members 
• Attend class regularly, on time, and from the start to the end of class 
• Arrive to class prepared with necessary materials and supplies needed for learning 

Respect the School Environment: 

• Act in ways that feel safe to yourself and others 
• Use appropriate language at school and at school sponsored activities 
• Put all litter in the garbage containers 
• Use garbage and recycling containers appropriately 
• Treat the school building and property with care 
• Use assigned lockers to keep classrooms, hallways and other common areas free of clutter from individual supplies, backpacks, and sporting equipment 
• Drive safely and follow all driving rules, including the speed limits (10 km/h), as posted in and around the school 

Unacceptable Conduct 
Students shall not discriminate against others on the basis of Indigenous identity, race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or physical or mental disability, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, nor shall a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule, on the basis of any such grounds. Racism and discrimination will not be tolerated in our school. 

• Behaviours that interfere with the learning of other, interfere with an orderly environment, or create an unsafe environment. 
• Acts of bullying, harassment, intimidation, or physical violence 
• Illegal acts, such as possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances. 
• Theft or damage to property 
• Retribution against a person who has reported an incident 
• Being in possession of a weapon or a replica weapon 
• Vandalism 
• Use of inappropriate language 
• Arriving late and unprepared 
• Leaving without communicating with the supervising adult or office 
• Open displays of sexual behavior 
• Defiant/rude/discourteous behavior
• Repetitive inappropriate behaviors 
• Clothing that encourages sexism, racism, homophobia, or discrimination regarding gender identity, sexual preference, race, religion, or origin 
• Clothing that promotes direct or indirect messages or graphics referring to alcohol, drugs, gang culture, sex, weapons, violence, or profanity 
• Riding bikes, scooters, skateboards outside of designated areas and without a helmet on school property
• Loitering in student vehicles or the parking lot at any time before, during, or after the school day. This includes the designated lunch break. 

Note: Behaviours (both acceptable and unacceptable) cited in the code of conduct are examples only and not an all-inclusive list. 

Use of Personal Digital Data Devices 
Students only use personal digital data devices (any device that can access the internet) for instructional purposes and digital literacy appropriate to the student’s age and developmental stage while on school property and during hours of instruction, aligned to our school’s expectations related to personal digital data devices: All Students (Grade 7 to Grade 12) 

• At all times, students must follow School District 8 Administrative Procedure 3000: District Code of Conduct • Students may own and use personal digital devices outside of school hours while parent/caregiver(s) monitor their responsible use. 
• Students are encouraged to leave personal digital devices and cell phones at home. 
• Students may choose to use personal digital devices on the bus to and from school and outside of the start and end of the day. In doing so, students are encouraged to use them responsibly following bus codes of conduct. 
• Students may access their personal digital devices before and after school, all other times are digital device free. 
• During instructional time, personal digital devices are powered off or on airplane mode and are stored in lockers, backpacks, with a teacher or at the office. 
• In some exceptional circumstances a student may have a personal digital device on their person after prior discussion with the supervising teacher or administration. The expectation is that the device is never visible or a distraction to the learning environment and classroom. 
• During instructional time, a teacher may guide the use of personal digital devices to support or enhance learning or teach digital literacy. 
• Students have access to school phones should they need to contact their parents/caregivers. This can be done at the office or with the permission of the teacher in the student’s classroom.
• Personal digital devices may not be accessed for recreational use (music, social media, etc.) during instructional time. 
• Photos, videos or audio recordings are to be taken only with the permission of all parties and with the supervising teacher's agreement. 
• Personal digital devices cannot be taken into formal assessment situations. 
• The use of personal digital devices on field trips and extra-curricular excursions will be specified by the teacher for the activity. 

Access to the Internet will consider equity and hardship to foster connection with peers and access to opportunities for personal achievement. 

The use of personal digital data devices for students with disabilities or diverse abilities will be outlined in students’ Individual Education Plans, such as the use of assistive technology on personal digital devices at school to support student accessibility, communication, and autonomy and to facilitation participation and promote accessibility. This includes supporting the use of personal digital devices that monitor and support medical necessities.