Open School BC Website
Varies: Kindergarten - Grade 12

Looking for resources to help your students with their career planning? WorkBC is invaluable resource to help you start a conversation with your students about education and training pathways. Full of practical ideas, exercises and resources, the website will help you talk with your students so they can follow their passion and create the career of their choice. For additional ideas, exercises and resources see the Resources for Counsellors, Teachers & Parents page of the WorkBC website.

Junior Achievement BC Programs for Schools (JABC) brings a variety of financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship training courses into elementary, middle and secondary school classrooms across B.C. These training programs support competencies in the province’s new Applied Design, Skills and Technologies curriculum. Please contact Junior Achievement BC for more information or to enroll your class in one of their courses.

The National Film Board of Canada Collection includes documentaries, animations, experimental films, fiction and interactive works. We showcase films that take a stand on issues of global importance that matter to Canadians—stories about the environment, human rights, international conflict, the arts and more.