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Welcome To Our Middle Years Program!

We are so excited to work with Mt. Sentinel’s Grade 7 and 8 students to build a strong, engaging, and supportive learning community. The Middle Years Program (MYP) looks a little different than traditional school programming as the focus is shifted to project-based and integrated learning. We believe that learning should be meaningful and empowering to our students; Mt. Sentinel’s middle years program works to support this.

Key questions that guide the design and structure  of our program? 

1.  How can we redesign our school-wide timetable to be more flexible, inclusive, and offer opportunities for collaboration between more teachers and students? 

2.  With transitions into and out of the MYP in mind, how can we best structure an integrated middle years program to support literacy, numeracy, and relationship-building?

3.  How can we honor learners' excitement about elective-type specialty learning and the potential for integrated learning (with access to expertise and specialized spaces)?

4.  What practices and approaches can we deepen and take up that will increase inclusion, equity-centered school transformation, and learning success (literacy/numeracy, academic, and social-emotional/well-being)?

2024 – 2025  Teaching Team and Schedule 

HUB Teachers:   Students are a part of a learning “HUB” for the year. HUBs are intended to connect students with a consistent teacher and group of students throughout the year.  Should you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact your child’s HUB teacher.  Your child’s HUB teacher will be your “go to teacher” regarding program questions, scheduling, overall learning and social/emotional needs

HUB 1 – Bobcats with Ms. Robinson, Room 202
HUB 2 – Cougars  with Mr. Weber, Room 304
HUB 3 – Lynx with Ms. Wayling, Room 309
HUB 4 – Jaguars with Mr. Pinette, Room 110

HUB teachers focus on language arts, career and health education, while Integrated Learning is an opportunity for cross curricular exploration that blends social studies and science curriculums.  HUB teachers are also mindful of the importance of movement and physical activity, they have the flexibility to incorporate this time into their HUB teaching when it is important to support self-regulation and executive functioning skills into their daily practice. This may include local class outings along the Rails-to-Trails.  In addition to HUB, students are scheduled in Math, Band and PE for the entire year, while also having an opportunity to learn with curriculum specialists in Foods, Technology Ed, Art, Drama, and French. Our Teacher Librarians, Inclusion Support Team, and the school counselor also play a key role in your child’s program; their support and presence is built directly into the daily schedule.   All teachers are listed on the school website. 

Class Expectations

Phones:  The school wide Personal Digital Device Policy is an integral part of the Middle Years Program - phones are not permitted in MYP classrooms.  While technology becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, it is important to form responsible and healthy relationships with it. Students will be assigned to a personal laptop computer to facilitate learning and assignments; therefore, a smartphone is not necessary. Students are expected to leave their phones in their locker. If they forget, teachers will have a phone bin in their classroom to securely store their devices for the duration of the day.  If you need to communicate with your child during instructional time, we are happy to facilitate that. Please contact the office and we will connect you. Additionally, each MYP classroom is equipped with a phone so your child can call you directly from class if absolutely necessary. 

Class environment: It is our priority to ensure that all students at Mt. Sentinel feel safe and supported. It is everyone’s responsibility to create and maintain these spaces! We have zero tolerance for bullying (physical, verbal, digital and/or emotional). Students are expected to arrive to class on time and ready to learn. We believe that we learn best when we work together. For this to be possible, class participation is required. We strive to cultivate warm and supportive classroom spaces, but this takes a special commitment from all class members to maintain it. The room is an environment to learn from others, therefore students are encouraged to contribute when they can and listen to their classmates respectfully; they are all experts in different things!

Absences: Because we are engaging in project-based learning, attendance is very important! If your child is absent due to illness or other reasons, please contact the school in advance (they can report an absence on the school website). Students are encouraged to reach out to friends and check Google Classroom to see what they missed. Upon returning to school, they are required to check in with all of their teachers to gather what they missed. As class time is busy, they are encouraged to do this before school and during breaks. Because our learning takes place inside the classroom, students may have some take homework if they miss class.

Students are expected to participate in all activities planned both at school and on field trips outside of the school. Picking and choosing activities based on personal preference does not align with the expectations of our school. Activities that are planned by teachers align with curriculum expectations, therefore requiring the active participation and engagement of all students. 

Unexcused absences and tardiness: We have busy days planned in MYP! If your child has unexcused absences or arrives to class late, they will be expected to make up this class time during their breaks. Please reiterate to your child that punctuality is important, and it is to be practiced within the school daily.


Our General Daily Schedule (provided by your child’s HUB Teacher)

Below is a copy of the Middle Years Program schedule as it relates to the school wide schedule. 


A copy of your child’s specific daily schedule is provided by your child’s HUB teacher. We understand the importance of consistent routines and structures and the vital role you play in preparing your child for school each day by sending them to school with the necessary materials, supplies and mindset for learning.  Every day starts with ”HUB Time” for 15 minutes to help ground your child for the day and to ensure they know the schedule for the day and where they need to go. The daily schedule is reviewed and accessible to our learners throughout the day in their HUB classroom.  Please coach your child to go to their HUB classroom when they are unsure about their day. Our Middle Years Program follows the same daily schedule for the school including school start and end times, recess breaks and lunch time. 

The schedule is likely not like one you have seen before. Please be patient. Your child will settle into the routines, and you too will soon find a regular rhythm and routine that you will know, understand and appreciate because it supports learning in the middle years. 

Parents and Caregivers

We look forward to working with your child and are excited to be on this new learning journey in partnership with you.  This is our time to make a difference for your child not only now, but to also cultivate a curiosity and excitement for future learning as students prepare for the Grad Program starting in grade 10.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of the HUB teachers throughout the year if you have any questions or concerns.